Devlog #1 - Player Movement

Implementation of Movement Mechanics

I’ve implemented the basic movement mechanics using Unity and C#. The player, Dino, can now move left or right and jump. The script uses Unity’s built-in physics engine (Rigidbody2D) to create a smooth and responsive movement experience. The character is not yet designed, I'm just using a Square representing Dino and a straight line representing the ground.

Different Ways to Improve

I thought about trying a different method for how the game character moves, like using Unity’s CharacterController. But I chose to keep using Rigidbody2D because it already has physics built in, which will be useful later when I add more advanced features like shooting and power-ups. To make the dinosaur's movement smoother, I might add animations or adjust how fast it moves and jumps. I'll work on this more as I make the game better.

Although his rotation is yet to be fixed, he keeps rotating if he hits something, which we don't want him to. I want his body to be straight no matter what, just like Chrome Dino. Will be fixed until next update.

Finally, this is how it looks:

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